About Us
Manish is a leading new aged Yoga Master and Spiritual Guru born in Jodhpur (also famous as Suncity), privileged place of brahamans, temples, and palaces, cultural and historical heritage of India and cradle of gurus.
He is an “Inborn Yogi”. Since his birth (1983), he was impressed by spiritual experiences. His childhood developed in a mystical atmosphere with big consciousness of the spiritual dimension. At the age of five, he was introduced officially in the spiritual practices taking his first diksha from Param Pujya Swami Satyamitranand Giriji Maharaj (founder of Bharat Mata Mandir and Samanvaya Seva Trust, Haridwar). He began then to practice Yoga as a hobby guided by different gurus and learning a wide range of different yoga styles. As a teenager, Manish turned Yoga into his true passion. In his 20’s he completed his instruction with his mentor Bhagwati Prasad Gaur (Transcendental Meditation) and was introduced in the Bihar Yoga tradition, having the opportunity to study the ancient scriptures, Tantra, Yognidra, Ayurveda, Mantra and Preksha Meditation and ancient forms of Yoga like Hatha, Ashtanga, Karma, Kundalini and Bhakti Yoga learnt under Mr. Sunil Goswami (founder of Rajarishi Yoga Sansthan). Among other disciplines he also obtained a master diploma in acupressure and reflexology therapy and mastering in Reiki healing. Additionally he spent some time living with Jain monks, learning the fundamentals of Jainism and spiritual knowledge. He learned the essence of kashmir shaivism from the Shri Virendra Qazi ji (New Delhi) a living authority of Kashmir shaivism. He started his professional career as a Yoga & Meditation teacher in 2009, giving services to reputed Yoga & Fitness centers, luxury hotels and meditation institutes in India & Dubai.
At present Manish is the conducting life coaching, spiritual healing workshops & programs for yoga teachers from abroad in residential of 500 / 300 / 200 hours yoga TTC as well as teaching on spirituality & yoga sessions at various centers in countries worldwide. He combines instruction with spiritual counseling and holistic therapies.
Manish is a dynamic and inspirational teacher in healing arts who brings India’s profound heritage and wisdom for lifestyle in contemporary and cosmopolitan life.
His energy, humor, philosophy and scientific approach of spiritual disciplines to Yoga & Meditation motivates his students towards a healthy life and a path of real transformation of self and evolution.
As a teacher Manish has a strong hold in his teachings conducting multidisciplinary programs under the title of “Spiritual tools for personal evolution” addressed to beginners as well as consolidated teachers. He has also developed special fast trainings for stressed out and tired executives and professional teams in companies’ management areas to provide them relief and also to enhance their soft skills and lifestyle.
Manish is a true Yogic soul here to share his divine energy in the path of yoga.